Thursday, 23 April 2020

E-Learning Fever During COVID-19 Lock-Down 2020_The Reality of ICT


Now that the country is under lock-down, schools have no choice but to go the e-learning way. Schools are closed because of the dreadful Corona virus that has shaken the world. As I see it, seems the 4th Industrial Revolution is being propelled to new heights courtesy of COVID-19 springboard. They say, “necessity is the mother of invention”. Schools have now realized that there is no other alternative to teaching remotely other than the e-learning strategy. ICTs are the new tune to dance to and the way to go.

          One might have noticed that several schools are making effective use of class/school WhatsApp groups whereby teachers are expected to give daily Lock-down homework to students or even lessons.  Podcasts, audios and subject time-tables of lessons are uploaded onto WhatsApp groups. Scanned pictures for illustrations as well... 
I have observed that even some children at ECD level are getting support through remote teaching. The teachers are sending parents worksheets and audios to enable them to assist their children.  Teachers now see the value of applications such as Google Classroom and Zoom whereby one can conduct a lesson on-line and give students some curriculum content catch-up activities.

A seasoned teacher prepares to deliver a Maths e-lesson for grade 7s.
ECD worksheet 

Teachers can still carry out their usual official meetings using applications such as Zoom, be they departmental of staff meetings. The advantage of using Zoom is that the video on-line meetings can accommodate a lot of people in a single meeting. Peer Learning Committee (PLCs) meetings can still be held by subject teachers at school level or cluster level to share ideas on teaching strategies now that e-learning can be de-skilling to some.  For one-on-one video conferences, Skype application is still popular despite competition from new entrants.

          By the time COVID-19 clears and we stealthily wriggle out of the ashes to check what is left for us after weeks or even months of inactivity and loss of income, there is no doubt that ICT will emerge as a welcome leftover with some glitter. Technology won't be the same again in schools. Even teachers who used to feel too old for technology will emerge from the corona disaster more confident in using ICT devices for teaching. Technology knows no age limit. The Department of Education has been trying its best to encourage schools to join the 4th industrial revolution which is being taken up seriously by some schools and reluctantly by others.  But no doubt the COVID-19 has become the catalyst that is now forcing teachers to comply with the expectations of the National Integrated ICT Policy White Paper (2016). They say, "Necessity is the mother of invention" no doubt about that.

Our hope is that, when everything has been said and done, teaching using technology will not regress when schools reopen after the lock-down vacation. The traditional chalk & talk strategy has been overtaken by events. It is high time we use blended teaching methodologies that create interactive learning activities for students and vast sources of information. Technology is the way to go. Let us embrace it because there is no turning back

Time-table indicating when to connect with students/teacher and the subject.

Google Classroom

a) Using Social Media to reach-out locked-out students. Please click the link below to play a video by Mr Joseph D. Rondozai explaining how their school is using Social Media to reach out to students at home.

b) Using Google Classroom during lockdown and beyond. Please click on the link below to access the video by Mr Rodgers Munjokodi (Life Science teacher).

Other CAPS Aligned Resources

Maths, Grade 4:
English Language, Grade 4:

Maths, Grade 3:
English Language:

NB. You can choose other grades when you get to the website.
(Courtesy of ICT colleagues)

Thursday, 19 September 2019

4th Industrial Revolution Vibe

Pic by Onismus Rondozai. Cullinan SA 

One can feel the intensity of the 4th Industrial Revolution vibe on the global village. It’s a topical issue in government institutions, media, community and family units. As a starting point, one needs to understand what an industrial revolution is all about before trying to figure out what 4th Industrial Revolution entails.

Industrial revolution involves a major paradigm shift in the modes of production of a period in question with the aim of maximizing production by using more efficient production strategies.  Peter N. Stearns (2018) in his book, ‘The Industrial Revolution in World History’ stated that Industrial Revolution, “Focused on new methods and organizations for producing goods.”  So, focus is on adopting new methodologies that should improve production of goods and services. After one has read through the four industrial revolutions, one will no doubt appreciate the fact that indeed the industrial revolutions brought about more efficient methods of production which in turn improved the standard of living of the masses. How about a shift from animal or human drawn power to coal powered steam engines? These methodologies brought about mass production of goods at minimum costs because of the nature of mechanization initiated. Let’s now briefly navigate through the industrial revolutions to get an understanding of how it began and where we find ourselves in- the 4th Industrial Revolution.

1st Industrial Revolution (1760- 1880): The main feature of the 1st Industrial Revolution was the aspect of steam power technology. Coal was used to generate power for steam engines in industries. Trains were powered by steam as well. Not so long ago, in Zimbabwe steam trains were still being used especially in holiday resorts such as Victoria Falls, maybe just to spice up the holiday moods of tourists. With steam power assisting to improve production in agricultural sector, textile and iron manufacturing industries, there was no doubt that the standard of living of peasant populations in Western Europe and North America greatly improved. For example, major shifts from traditional methods of tilling land for peasant farmers to highly mechanized systems of production boosted agricultural activities. Settlements grew into major towns buzzing with economic activities. Life became more comfortable for the inhabitants.

2nd Industrial Revolution (1880- 1950): Whereas the 1st Industrial Revolution saw the change from manual labor to mechanization made possible by the invention of steam power, the 2nd Industrial Revolution saw major improvements in technological advances and expansion of industries. More advanced tools were designed which helped in boosting industrial production. There were improvements in rail systems, steel and electricity production. Inventions were also noted in the production of chemical fertilizer for farming, gasoline engines for airplanes and car manufacturing plants such as the famous Henry Ford Motor Company which carried out mass production of the Ford Model T vehicles. His concept of the assembly line conveyor system is still significant in production processes up to this day.

3rd Industrial Revolution (1950- 2000): The focus of this revolution was on development of computers. It’s known as the digital revolution since analogy systems were replaced with digital technologies. The Internet, ICT devices and the use of cloud space revolutionized computer technology. Information and Communication Technology changed the way people communicated at home and in industries. Production systems were computerized thus making the systems efficient.

4th Industrial Revolution (21st Century)
This is the 4th phase of technological advancement in human history. In my view, this is an advancement or extension of the 3rd Industrial Revolution. The major features of this phase are the Internet of Things (IoT), Virtual Reality (VR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotics and Coding. These are meant to improve Information and Communication Technology ((ICT) thus improving the lives of the users. Use of ICT devices such as SMART Boards, Smartphones, Tablets with appropriate applications are some of the features of the 21st century schools.

Technology has revolutionized communication in society enabling people to share information, media files etc using ICT devices such as laptops, tablets and smartphones. This innovation, if used properly, can make communication effective, fast and effortless. It's the flip side of this glorious invention that is at times worrisome to society. Not that technology is bad, but the abuse of it by some overzealous people. What comes to mind is the current trend by politicians and society in general who quickly rush to social media sites like Twitter to vent their anger on topical issues.  They end up misfiring and demonizing the organizations they work for or represent thereby ending up being fired for washing dirty linen in public. It's too late to regret at dawn when the deed has already been done. Social media is not for the short tempered and short sighted because the consequences of not following the netiquettes can be too ghastly to contemplate. It is said that the worst combination is a wide mouth and a narrow mind.

What about the unfortunate trend by some members of society who use ICTs to send their nude pictures that end up in the public domain. Not that one wants to show off to the public what one is made of (unless mentally challenged) but because one is madly in love with a 'Ben10’ or ‘Makhwapheni' and decides to show off the priceless asset, especially in happier times. One forgets that days are never the same. Glorious moments at one stage and tsunami moments at other times. One small disagreement and wallah!... the nude pictures are off-loaded onto the social media. Just a click of a button and one's dignity is washed down the sewage pipe. One will unfairly demonize technology in such cases. One of the side effects of technology if it falls into wrong hands. And do people learn? NO. One case after the other. Be they young, old, rich and famous or the not so famous. Well respected man and women in expensive suits that cover what is then public knowledge. What an irony. It's a crazy world, isn't it? ICT devices should be used productively as embark on the 4th Industrial Revolution. Do not be left behind otherwise you become redundant. Excuses are for the doomed. 'Smell the coffee...' get going! ICTs won’t replace one if one moves with the times and embrace technology because it still needs a human touch. However, if technophobia is one’s handicap, I have no doubt that technology will one day kick one out of the system due to redundancy.

The other side effect of industrialization is when drones are used by terrorists to transport bombs to terrorize communities. The media is awash with such sad stories of abuse of technology. Not to mention the phishing and malware challenges that computer technology can be vulnerable to if not monitored properly and action taken quickly. The banking sector tries its best to warn their account holders about such dangers. Technology in the 4th Industrial Revolution era should be used for productive efforts just like in the revolutions preceding the current one. Instead of using drones for evil purposes, a private company or government department can use drones to monitor progress on a construction site rather than relying on information from supervisors on the site, some of whom might be unreliable. Drones can be used to transport critical medicines after natural disasters in inaccessible terrains. There are a thousand plus reasons why we should embrace this revolution than its side effects.

Embracing the 4th industrial Revolution in a School Set-Up:

When one is introducing or initiating 21st century skills to a school organization for example, one must get a buy-in from staff members first. Emphasize what they as individuals can benefit from the change rather than expecting them to adopt the change just because it is policy. It reminds me of the Theory of Reasoned Action formulated by Ajzen and Fishbein (1980) in which they state that a person’s behaviour is determined by the person’s intention to perform the behaviour and that this intention is in turn, a function of that person’s attitude toward the behaviour. So, an attitude towards usage of a technology determines whether the teacher is going to embrace the innovation in question or not. A negative attitude becomes a deterrent. This theory is a spring board for the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) created by F.D. Davis (1993). The model tries to establish why users reject or accept ICTs and how external factors influence adoption of the innovation. This information is important to an ICT facilitator when trying to improve user acceptance levels. The Facilitator should make sure that the teachers are ready psychologically and emotionally for the innovation.

Steam power, the science of mass production and advancements in digital technology, to name a few, have fundamentally transformed the world for good. These technologies are meant to make the lives of people more comfortable. However, some people find it difficult to embrace changes brought about by these revolutions even though it’s for their good. Change is at times difficult to embrace because it deskills a worker. Some workers are just afraid of the unknown because it removes them from their comfort zones. However, no one can keep on hiding from reality and win. A revolution is not an event so one can not hide forever. Let’s make the 4th revolution a success for our benefit and that of future generations.  Let’s get rid of technophobia in our society and workplace because it is retrogressive. The 4th Industrial Revolution here we are!


Davis, F.D., (1993). User acceptance of information technology: system characteristics,
 user perceptions and behavioural impacts. University of Michigan Business School.

Fishbein, M., & Ajzen, I. (1975). Beliefs, attitude, intention, and behavior: An introduction to theory and  research. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

Stearns, P.N., (2013). The Industrial Revolution in World History. (4th Ed). Routledge. George Mason University.

ICT Vision

Thursday, 4 October 2018

Technophobia in Education

This paper discusses technophobia in the education context. In the 21st Century, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is taking center stage. All the sectors of the economy are prioritizing technology in their operations, so technophobia should be handled with care if it is not to become a stumbling block. Since I am not a psychologist but an educationist, I base my discussion on years of experience in the education sector where I gained valuable insights into socio-educational interactions. Before venturing deeper into the subject, let me define what technophobia is, as I see it.

What is technophobia?

One’s fear of using technological devices and applications or anything that exhibits some technological advancement features. It’s not a mental illness as such, but some state of mind that fails to embrace technology.  This may be due to confidence deficiency or just some fear of the unknown. Or is it just some laziness to learn some new Science innovation. It’s some psychological state of confusion regarding technology acceptance. Psychologists refer to these people as technophobes.  

Signs of technophobia

Avoidance of technological sessions or devices by the technophobe. One will create so many excuses just to avoid any session were peers are engaged in some form of training on technology. One creates alternative traditional strategy as plan B of the expected technological alternative strategy to justify the value of the old school of thought.

No one pedagogy is perfect or water tight. However, one may come up with excuses or blame games to justify non-compliance with an organisation’s ICT policy. Exaggerated blame placed on an ICT device to cover up for one’s inadequacies becomes a slogan of the day. One will blame every device and everyone other than oneself. For example, ‘Technology does not work because….. blah, blah and blah.’ Who said that technology has no side effects?

One discourages colleagues from engaging in ICT training sessions with the excuse that it never works or that it has never worked. One tries to get some allies to support one’s stand point so that one is not left alone and isolated. The blind cannot be left to lead the sighted otherwise that would be the end of the world.

One might be too conservative- Singing songs of glory about the good old yesteryear pedagogical techniques that were more effective than current ones. The past can guide the future, but the past remains in the past. Knowledge is not dormant.

Why Technophobia

Initial exposure to technology might make one feel as if drifting away from the comfort zone into some alien zone. Fear of the unknown. This can unsettle some people. Check what happens at bank ATMs. Smartly dressed elegant customers literary shivering and appearing nervous in front of that technological device that is meant to assist them. Fortunately, in most cases, an alert bank employee rushes to one’s aid before some conman pounce on the technophobe. 

Some unforgettable unfortunate negative encounter with computers when one first attempted to use them may have left a mark on someone. It reminds me of a reflection on the workshop by one of the participants who attended my SMART Board/ SMART Notebook training some time ago. He said to me, ‘I don’t know how you make technology appear so simple. I had some negative attitude towards use of computers because long back I had some frustrating experience with computers. I had to visit some office in some faraway province to sort out important papers. When I got there the receptionist could not assist me because the computers were not working properly…’ To cut a very long story short, he was told to return some other day when the obsolete computers are in order. Imagine having to travel the long distance back to his province without accomplishing his mission. His conclusion then was that technology is a handicap to mankind not an aid. Yes, it can be a handicap if people want to be replaced by it instead of using it to assist them or to make work lighter. In the above scenario, the receptionist had been replaced by technology. The receptionist in question was supposed to have a back-up plan just in case something went wrong.

One might not be interested in attempting to use ICT devices for fear of being exposed to computer literate younger generation. The feeling that children will laugh at me if I make blunders along the way and get stuck. But the truth is that children are very glad to help when one is stuck. They are usually naughty if you pretend that you know everything there is to be known about technology then you blunder. That is when they will have a party on you. Ask children to demonstrate what they know then you will be friends because they also want to be appreciated.

Negative attitude towards issues to do with capitalism…. The feeling hat embracing technology will make some capitalist somewhere richer…. The usual political games you know. Or is it just conservatism at its worst. In such cases trying to overcome technophobia might be an uphill task since it involves some political ideologies, as I see it.

How to handle technophobia in an organisation, as I see it

Any form of change is bound to be resisted by some people because it can be deskilling and result in removing one from the comfort zone. So, change should be well managed. In the same vein, technophobia should be handled with care of else one is bound to cause more damage than good.
For elders who were ‘born before technology’ BBT like myself, introduction to technology for this group should be in small doses lest they feel overwhelmed and abandon the attempt. The coach should be a patient person not someone who is easily irritated by the slow pace or the back and forth motions. By this I mean that the coach should expect to move 2 steps forward then a step back at times. If there is some movement forward, the better. This type of adult prefers to be trained on a one-on-one basis as opposed to group training since they don’t want to expose their weaknesses to the juniors.

For the young adults who have not been exposed to technology much because of the home background. One should try to show off benefits of technology for that individual and to society in general. This type of people might not have appreciated yet the benefits of technology because of non-exposure to the devises. If convinced that indeed technology can lighten their workload and life style, they are bound to slowly buy in.

For children coming from disadvantaged homes, I am not sure whether we can confidently say these children have technophobia or whether it’s more of ignorance than technophobia since they may not have had enough exposure to technology because of their home backgrounds. Naturally, children are inquisitive and ready to learn new ideas. If provided with the relevant devices and guidance, they easily learn new behavior. It is important to note that children learn better from their peers, so conditions for collaborative work or team work should be developed so that they emulate technological pedagogy from peers.

If one happens to realize that one is technophobic, one can self-correct oneself by attending ICT training workshops or Online courses such as MG Online to learn valuable ICT skills. I call this self-counselling. If one realizes and admits to one’s weaknesses, this can be an important step towards self-correction. If self-correction is beyond reach, then one has no choice but to get counselling from a psychologist who is more qualified to handle such cases.


As I see it, learning does not end. Technology is here to stay. If you do not embrace technology now, it might replace you one day. If one feels technophobic, one should try to self-correct by creating enough time to mingle with peers engaged in technology, attending ICT training workshops or seeking help from a psychologist.

Monday, 10 September 2018

ICT in Education

Does ICT technology have an impact in teaching and learning?
There is no doubt that ICT Technology takes a heavy load off the teacher's shoulder to enable the teacher to concentrate on core teaching obligations. So much time and effort is wasted on paperwork and other tasks by the teacher at the expense of the actual delivery of curricula. Learners on the other hand struggle to get resources for the subjects they are studying. In a 21st Century classroom, a student or teacher can access loads of information from the internet by just clicking a button. Someone should convince me that technology has no impact on student achievement and teacher workload. We can't have excuses to justify clinging to 'stone age' pedagogy. We can't expect 21st Century children to be taught the why we were taught. Not that I am against old school methodologies because they helped shape what I am but to imagine that knowledge or pedagogy is dormant, is anathema. We can let the past shape the future, then embrace the future. What am I saying? Let us be part of the future since 'ICT is the future' just to quote Gauteng MEC for Education Mr Lefusi Panyaza. We can’t dwell in the past.
In a classroom situation, how many of us can draw a volcano in eruption on the chalkboard for a Geography lesson and convince students that it is a resemblance of volcanic activity. In contrast, how about showing students a video on a volcano in eruption on a SMART Board or some simulation. One can see that using Multi-media in teaching and learning can assist in concretizing abstract concepts that may be very difficult when using traditional approaches.
So, let ICTs assist the teacher to deliver powerful interactive lessons and for students to have an opportunity to search for additional information using ICTs. Need a mind shift from the past. Learning does not end.

Saturday, 18 August 2018

ICT Content Integration

Students can make use of the Memoires App to capture information gathered during an educational field trip. The application can be downloaded from the Play Store. Using this application students can take notes, record conversations and photos of scenic sites so as to produce a valuable diary of events, ready for publication or feedback at school.

Tablets and Smartphones in 21st Century Teaching/Learning Pedagogy

With the advent of technology, 21st century educators are adjusting to new roles as facilitators of education rather than lecturers or preachers of wisdom as in the past. In the past centuries, educators were viewed as ‘all knowing’ experts who were expected to fill up the empty brains of their ignorant students. These days students can be exposed to various learning opportunities, thanks to computer technology. The educator is no longer the only source of knowledge. The 21st century student is now floating in a global village and has a role in his/ her learning experiences. Educators who are being left behind in this ICT movement may regret too late when they are made redundant by computer technology. Old, senior teachers should not blame it on age since age knows no boundaries when it comes to learning capabilities. It is said that, ‘age is just but a number’… very true.

a) What is the place of tablets and Smartphones in the teaching/ learning process?

Use of class Whatsapp groups (social media/ subject integration): Group work feedback on whatsapp, for example, posting videos and photos of class activities such as Project Based Learning (PBL) articles. 

Whatsapp messages to parents and guardians to update them on student behaviour and academic progress or inviting them to school functions.

Access to preloaded eBooks. 

Dictionary/ Thesaurus Apps

Apps such as SimpleMind app for brainstorming activities, Memoires app for diary records during field trips etc.

Video recording when practising public speaking (listening and speaking) and role play activities.

Videos explaining difficult abstract concepts and simulations

Accessing exam revision papers on the web. The list is endless.

b) What are the challenges of using these devices at school?

Parental negative attitudes: Some parents have witnessed serious abuse of smartphones and tablets by children (especially on social media platforms) so they now have a negative attitude towards use of these devices by students. Therefore, educators should reassure parents and guardians that they are going to manage the use of these devices very well. However, even if the child is denied use of a smartphone at home, he/she will still get access to it courtesy of a friend next door. That’s a negation of a negation, isn’t it? 

Some educators avoid displaying their ignorance of ICT to students thereby demonising use of ICT devices for educational purposes. 

The security of these devices is a major headache for schools especially the tablets that have been provided by Gauteng Education Department (GDE). It was a relief for students when they realised that they would no longer move around with loads of books since a GDE tablet would be enough to handle the eBooks. However, the joy has been short lived for some since quite a number have lost their tablets to thieves.

Most schools do not have Internet Access, so browsing the internet is not possible. In this case learners underutilize these ICT devices since they just use them to access preloaded eBooks only.

c) How to overcome these challenges:

Educators should be trained on proper management of the gadgets in class. Students can’t be allowed to do as they wish. Educators should be trained on proper tablet management. 

Students should be made aware of mobile phone etiquettes (mobiquette) before they use the ICT devices at school. Etiquettes refer to a set of rules that govern how an individual should behave to be accepted in society. Mobiquette (Mobile Etiquette) refers to certain rules that must be followed by someone using a mobile phone in an organisation. Smartphones and tablets are a necessity nowadays, but they can ruin an individual’s life if not properly managed. 

A class that is out of control can only make use of the devices in pairs or groups to avoid individuals from straying.

Harnessing the existent learner interest and background knowledge on the use of ICT devices as a springboard for guided knowledge acquisition is necessary. Why not take advantage of this fertile ground full of weeds and prepare the piece of land for fruitful harvests rather than to waste scare energy in stifling learner interest in 21st century skills. Unfortunately, some educators have been left behind by the 21st Century learners and are forced to pretend that they are on board only to surprise everyone when they crush- land in full view of the students. 

Educators should make use of the students who prove to be more advanced than the class/ teacher by allowing them to assist those legging behind in technology. Children understand other children better than adults I assume. Such students are usually naughty, especially when they realise that they know technology better than other students or worse still, better than the teacher. If they realise that the peers and educator are not appreciating them, the class becomes ungovernable. Just put a crown on them to appreciate their background knowledge and calm is restored in the ICT in class. However, firmness should not be sacrificed for this option.

If well managed, smartphones and tablets can be handy in improving teaching/ learning pedagogy in class in which students are very active in the learning process and are engaged in higher order manipulative tasks with the aid of ICT devices. Learner centred approaches should be encouraged in the 21st Century era.